Hover Inc. ئاپەکان

Stax - Automated USSD Banking
Hover Inc.
Do you have more than one financial account (traditional anddigitalbank, mobile money etc.)? We created Stax to help managethem all inone place. It is fast, secure, convenient, free andworks offline.It takes less than 1 minute to download. Just Staxit! What can youdo with Stax? - Send money - Buy airtime - Keepyour balances hidden- Transfer money between your accounts -Securely transact with allyour existing financial accounts. -Check account balance &transaction history across all youraccounts from one place - Createpayment links to request money andsend the links via WhatsApp,Instagram, or SMS. - Do all of thesewithout internet connection ordata -Automated USSD Banking: Neverdial a USSD code again, Staxdoes it for you - USSD library: Accessour in-app USSD library whereyou can search, view and copy USSDcodes of all bank and mobilemoney operators in Africa. How doesStax work?: We dial USSD codesin the background for you, so youdon't have to. Stax is USSDRedefined. For all transactions andacross every service we cover,we have automated the USSD flow soyou can spend and receive moneyfaster, easier and with lessstress. Why Stax: - It's free todownload - It is lightning fastand secure - We never charge you anyextra fees - It is alight-weight app (less than 10MB) - You cantransact offline for upto 14 days - We never store your pin and nosignup is required -Experience a new type of USSD banking. - Staxis built by HoverDeveloper Services, a U.S. company with teammembers across fourcountries on a mission to build an inclusiveInternet, startingwith mobile payments. We want to build aninternet that has you andyour convenience in the centre of it all.What do you need to do: -Download the app - Give us overlay andaccessibility permission todial USSDs automatically for you -Connect your bank or MoMoaccounts - Start spending, sending andreceiving money. Coverage:Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe,Côte d'Ivoire, Tanzania,Zambia, Congo, Cameroon. Across thesecountries, we cover multipleservices and are adding more each week.You are not alone: We arealways with you, offering 24/7 customersupport and informing youabout our latest features, expansionplans, deals and countries onsocial media: Instagram / Twitter:@joinstax. and via emailsupport@stax.me It's that easy. How Secureis Stax? The shortanswer is very secure! - Stax requires afingerprint or passcodeauthentication before you open the app. Thismeans that randompersons will never be able to gain access to yourStax account. -Stax lets you hide your account balances when youare in public. Soeven when the app is already open, people won'timmediately seemuch you have in any of your accounts. - Stax uses2-factorauthentication by design for every single transaction.Every timeyou refresh a balance, send money or buy airtime, youneed yourunique SIM card and your bank or mobile money PIN. - Staxneverstores your PIN. Your PIN never leaves your device. Wheneveryouare asked for your PIN in the app, we encrypt the PIN onyourdevice with Android Key Store and delete it as soon youcompleteyour transaction.